The doodlebug holder should be used with scrubbing pads and a standard broom handle to scrub or strip wax from hard floors. The holder features molded hooks for maximum grip, quick connection and removal of scrubber pads and are ideal for corners, baseboards, stairs and hard to reach areas.¶¶· Locking collar adjusts ensuring snug fit with most handles¶· Swivels to reach both vertical and horizontal surfaces¶· Durable and lightweight¶· For use with 5 inch x 10 inch doodlebug utility pads
Swivel Pad Holder for Utility Pads, 4.5″ x 10″
Đặt mua Swivel Pad Holder for Utility Pads, 4.5" x 10"

Swivel Pad Holder for Utility Pads, 4.5" x 10"
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