The SynRay® Wet Mop with Cut-Ends is made of a 4-ply rayon fibre yarn that prevents the growth of mould and mildew. It has a 4 row stitched narrow band made of heavy duty poly coated mesh that is chemical resistant and withstands laundering. It is ideal for rugged cleaning on rough surfaces and high traffic areas. Perfect for commercial and industrial floor cleaning, this mop can also be used for regular or restorative floor care. Its narrow band makes it compatible with a STEP-N-GO Wet Mop Handle or a SNAP-2-GO Mop Handle.¶¶· Cut-end strings¶· Narrow band with 4 rows stitched¶· Non-bagged¶· Absorbs 5 times its weight¶· Made with rayon fibres that inhibit the growth of mould and mildew¶· Good durability
M2 Professional SynRay® Cut-End Wet Mop (24oz, Narrow Band)
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M2 Professional SynRay® Cut-End Wet Mop (24oz, Narrow Band)
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